Nowości Literackie

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Nowośći Literackie

On September 12, 2024, Anna Maria Mickiewicz had the honor of participating in the International Poetry Festival The Holography of Atypical Verses | Mishima, Parra, Akhmatova, Mira Bai in the British Parliament

On September 12, 2024, Anna Maria Mickiewicz had the honor of participating in the International Poetry Festival The Holography of Atypical Verses | Mishima, Parra, Akhmatova, Mira Bai in the British Parliament

The event was dedicated to poets: Yukio Mishima, Nicanoro Parra and Anna Akhmatova. She presented her works, which were very warmly received. 12. września 2024 roku Anna Maria Mickiewicz miała zaszczyt zaprezentować swe utwory w brytyjskim Parlamencie podczas...

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